Friday, May 23, 2008

I sew want that dress!

I have a sewing machine, but the thought of dragging that huge free weight out of the closet, well, doesn't sound appealing. But now, with several clicks of your mouse a dress will magically appear at your doorstep just as you designed it. Well hot damn. Although I haven't tried it myself (see I'm lazier than you thought) I do however think it's a grand idea. I found StyleShake though a email I get called SpringWise. This site has lots of great new business ideas that make you want to curse them for beating you to the punch, "wish I'd thought of that!" There's also a design your own purse, by Elemental Threads, that was featured on SpringWise. And with 60,000 ways to create a custom bag, I can really wrap my fingers around this.

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